The Executive
About us
The roots of the Choir date back to 1963, over 60 years ago, when James Wild, the first Music Advisor for Oldham, formed the Oldham Youth Choir with pupils from local schools.
Not long after the Choir was founded, it was invited by the BBC to take part in a radio broadcast, and from this programme the recording of a song from the show "Song of Summer" was released by HMV.
Over the years the Choir has been involved in many festivals and concerts at a local, national and international level and has close links with the Sing For Pleasure Movement which has involved performances at Vaison La Romain. The Choir achieved first place in England in the BBC's Let The People Sing Competition and was placed 6th in Europe.
The Choir continues to give concerts in the Greater Manchester area and in 2013 celebrated its 50th anniversary. In 2023 we will be celebrating 60 years with some of the original "youth choir" who are still members